So you might have guessed I'm heading stateside to attend Adepticon and Golden Demon!
I had originally intended to keep the store shut while away but received a number of messages asking how to view the website. So rather than close the store I'll leave it open and allow browsing to continue.
Orders can be placed but nothing will be shipped from 22nd March till Tuesday 2nd April. Orders may ship later than the 2nd depending on demand. You can still contact me via the usual methods but do bare in mind I will be a thousand miles away so can't really deal with much. Please respect this is a chance for me to have a short break before all the madness starts when I return. If at all possible just message me when I return, chances are any messaged received while away will be forgotten about or lost amongst my inbox.
If you are attending Adepticon come see me at the Artis Opus stand on Thursday and Friday. You'll no doubt find me wondering the halls and hanging about at the GD cabinets.
I've got plenty in the pipeline but also a lot to catch up on. As always thank you for your continued support.