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Store Wide Price Rises

Posted by james taro on

Hi all, 

Firstly thank you for your continued support, running this store is a constant pleasure. As you are all hopefully aware there have been some very dramatic price rises in near enough every aspect of life. We in the modelmaking and casting industry have been hit particularly hard. In the past two years I have seen the price of Silicone and Resin double, as well as the constant increase to packing supplies and everyday living. 

While I have done my best to avoid raising the price of my products for the past few years I am now finding it unavoidable. I plan on reviewing all the items within the store and implementing price rises where appropriate. This will take place on the 20th March and the days to follow as I work my way through the store. 

Again I want to thank you all for your support and I hope to be able to keep producing products for many years to come. 


P.S.  Some may have noticed the above price rise didn't happen as planned due to external events keeping me busy. They will still go ahead but will happen over the course of the coming month as I review items. 


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